How to Clear Duplicates in Excel Easily and Quickly

Easily Remove Duplicate Data from Excel with Professional Tool


If you want to quickly and easily remove duplicate data from Excel, you can use a professional Excel duplicate remover tool. All you need to do is choose a file to upload, click the transform button, and wait for a few seconds to download the cleaned up file.

How to Clear Duplicates in Excel Easily and Quickly

How to Clear Duplicates in Excel Easily and Quickly


Duplicate data can be a nuisance when working with spreadsheets and other data sets. It can take up valuable space, clutter your work, and make it difficult to find what you need. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to clear duplicates in Excel quickly and easily. This guide will walk you through the steps of how to do this with a few different methods.

Step-by-step guide to Clear Duplicates in Excel

Clearing Duplicates in Excel

Using the Remove Duplicates Feature

The easiest way to clear duplicates in Excel is to use the Remove Duplicates feature. To do this, select the range of cells that you want to check for duplicates. Then, go to the Data tab and click the Remove Duplicates button. You will then be prompted to select which columns you want to check for duplicates. Excel will then remove any duplicate entries from the range of cells you selected.

Checking for Duplicates Manually

If you prefer to manually check for duplicates, you can do so by sorting the data and then visually scanning for duplicates. To sort the data, select the range of cells and then click the Sort button on the Data tab. You can then sort the data by any column and scan for duplicates. If you find any, you can delete them manually.

Using Formulas to Find Duplicates

You can also use formulas to find duplicates in Excel. To do this, you can use the COUNTIF function to count the number of times a value appears in a range of cells. If the count is greater than 1, then you know that the value is a duplicate. You can then delete or highlight the duplicate entries.

Alternative Methods to Clear Duplicates in Excel

Clearing Duplicates in Excel without Remove Duplicates

Using Find and Replace

The Find and Replace feature in Excel is a useful tool that can be used to search for and delete duplicates. To use this feature, first select the range of cells that you want to search for duplicates in. Then, click the Find & Select button in the Home tab, and select Find from the dropdown menu. In the Find and Replace window, enter the value you want to search for in the Find what field, and leave the Replace with field blank. Then, click Find All to find all of the duplicates in the range. Finally, click the Options button and select the Look in box, and select Values. This will ensure that only exact matches are found. After you have found all of the duplicates, select all of them and press the delete key to remove them.

Using Formulas

Another way to clear duplicates in Excel is to use formulas. This method involves using the COUNTIF function to compare data in two columns and delete any duplicates that appear. To use this method, select two columns of data that you want to compare. Then, in a third column, enter the formula =COUNTIF(A:A,B1). This formula will count the number of times the value in B1 appears in column A. If the result of the formula is greater than 1, then the value in B1 is a duplicate and can be deleted.

Using Third-Party Tools

Finally, you can use a third-party tool like Duplicate Remover to quickly and easily clear duplicates in Excel. This tool is designed to help you quickly and easily identify and remove duplicate entries in your data. It is a simple and efficient tool that can save you time and effort when dealing with large amounts of data. It can also help you identify and delete duplicates in multiple sheets or across multiple workbooks.


Clearing duplicates in Excel doesn't have to be a tedious task. With the right tools and techniques, you can easily and quickly clear duplicates in Excel. Whether you use the Remove Duplicates feature, Find and Replace, formulas, or a third-party tool, you can quickly and easily clear duplicates in Excel.

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