Extract text after the last comma in Excel


Get quick and easy text extraction after the last comma in Excel with our user-friendly tool. Say goodbye to complicated formulas and don't worry about your file size or computer hardware

Extract text after the last comma in Excel

Why do we need to extract text after the last comma in Excel

There are several reasons why you might want to extract text after the last comma in Excel:

  • Data Cleaning: To clean up data and separate it into different columns for easier analysis and organization.
  • Data Analysis: To extract specific information from a data set for further analysis or manipulation.
  • Data Visualization: To extract specific information to create charts, graphs, or pivot tables.
  • Data Integration: To extract specific information for integration with other data sources or tools.
  • Data Management: To extract specific information for use in databases, spreadsheets, or other data management tools.

By extracting text after the last comma, you can organize and manipulate your data in a way that makes it easier to analyze and use.

How to extract text after the last comma in Excel using the tool?

  • Upload your Excel file.
  • Click the Extract button.
  • Wait until the Extract is complete.
  • Download the result file.

How to extract text after the last comma using Excel

Extract text after the last comma using formulas

You can use the "RIGHT" and "FIND" functions in Excel to extract text after the last comma:

  • First, use the "FIND" function to locate the position of the last comma in the cell.

Syntax: =FIND(",",A1,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))+1)

  1. A1 is the cell containing the text.
  2. The 3rd argument of the FIND function specifies the starting position for the search. It calculates the total number of characters in the cell (LEN(A1)) and subtracts the number of characters in the cell without commas (LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))) and adds 1.
  • Next, use the "RIGHT" function to extract the text after the last comma.

Syntax: =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND(",",A1,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))+1)+1)

  1. The 2nd argument of the RIGHT function specifies the number of characters to extract. It calculates the total number of characters in the cell (LEN(A1)) and subtracts the position of the last comma (FIND(",",A1,LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""))+1)) and adds 1.

Combine the above two steps into one formula:


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