Summary Statistics in Excel

Calculate Mean, Median and Mode in Excel in Few Seconds


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Calculating Summary Statistics in Excel

Calculating Summary Statistics in Excel


Summary statistics are used to describe a set of data with a few key numbers. Calculating summary statistics in Excel can help you to quickly and easily get the information you need. This guide will explain how to calculate the mean, median, and mode in Excel. It will also provide alternative methods to calculate summary statistics in Excel.

Step-by-step Guide to Calculate Summary Statistics in Excel

Analyzing Data in Excel

Opening the Spreadsheet

The first step in analyzing data in Excel is to open the desired spreadsheet. This can be done by double clicking on the file or by clicking the ‘Open’ button in the File tab.

Selecting the Data

Once the spreadsheet is open, select the data that you want to analyze. This can be done by highlighting the desired range of cells or selecting the entire table.

Using the Data Analysis Toolpak

After selecting the data, click on the ‘Descriptive Statistics’ button in the Data Analysis Toolpak. This will open the Descriptive Statistics dialog box. In the dialog box, select the summary statistics that you want to calculate, such as the mean, median, and mode. Once you have selected the summary statistics, click ‘OK’ and Excel will calculate the summary statistics for you.

Alternative Methods to Calculate Summary Statistics in Excel

Calculating Summary Statistics in Excel


The mean of a set of data can be calculated using the AVERAGE function in Excel. This function takes in a range of cells and calculates the arithmetic mean (average) of the values in that range.


The median of a set of data can be calculated using the MEDIAN function in Excel. This function takes in a range of cells and calculates the median value of the values in that range.


The mode of a set of data can be calculated using the MODE function in Excel. This function takes in a range of cells and calculates the most frequently occurring value in that range.

Standard Deviation

The standard deviation of a set of data can be calculated using either the STDEV.S or STDEV.P functions in Excel. The STDEV.S function takes in a range of cells and calculates the standard deviation of the sample, while the STDEV.P function takes in a range of cells and calculates the standard deviation of the population.


The variance of a set of data can be calculated using either the VAR.S or VAR.P functions in Excel. The VAR.S function takes in a range of cells and calculates the variance of the sample, while the VAR.P function takes in a range of cells and calculates the variance of the population.


The range of a set of data can be calculated using the MIN and MAX functions in Excel. The MIN function takes in a range of cells and calculates the minimum value in that range, while the MAX function takes in a range of cells and calculates the maximum value in that range. The range is then simply the difference between the two.


Calculating summary statistics in Excel can be a quick and easy way to get the information you need. This guide has explained how to calculate the mean, median, and mode in Excel, as well as alternative methods to calculate summary statistics in Excel. With this guide, you can easily and accurately calculate summary statistics in Excel.

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