Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV/Excel

Solve Blank Cell Problems with Median Value in CSV/Excel Easily


This tool allows you to fill blank cells with median value in CSV or Excel files easily. Just upload the file, press the transform button, and you can download the cleaned file in seconds.

Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV/Excel


A blank cell in a CSV/Excel file can be filled with a median value of the same column. This post will show you how to fill blank cells with median value in CSV/Excel with step-by-step guide and alternative methods. Step-by-Step Guide to Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV/Excel

Uploading and Transforming CSV/Excel File

Choose the CSV/Excel File When uploading a CSV or Excel file, the user is able to choose any file from their computer to upload. The file will then be processed and cleaned up for the user to download.

Click the Transform Button Once the user has chosen the file they want to upload, they must click the transform button. This will start the process of transforming the file into a cleaner version.

Wait for a Few Seconds After clicking the transform button, the user must wait for a few seconds while the file is processed. This time may vary depending on the size of the file and the complexity of the transformation.

Download the Cleaned Up File Once the transformation process is complete, the user will be able to download the cleaned up file. This file will contain all of the data from the original file, but with any blank cells filled in with the median value of the same column. Alternative Methods to Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV/Excel

Filling Blank Cells with Median Value

Using Third-Party Tools

When dealing with CSV or Excel files, it is often necessary to fill blank cells with median values. Fortunately, there are several third-party tools available which can help with this task. One of the most popular tools is Microsoft Excel. Excel allows users to calculate the median value of a column and then use the 'Fill Down' function to fill the blank cells with the median value. This can be a great time-saver when dealing with large datasets. Another popular tool is OpenOffice Calc. Like Excel, Calc allows users to calculate the median value of a column and then use the 'Fill Down' function to fill the blank cells with the median value.

Using Custom Scripts

In addition to third-party tools, it is also possible to use custom scripts to fill blank cells with median values. For example, Python scripts can be used to calculate the median value of a column and then use the 'Fill Down' function to fill the blank cells with the median value. This approach can be particularly useful for datasets which are too large for third-party tools to handle efficiently. By writing custom scripts, users can ensure that the data is processed quickly and accurately.


In conclusion, there are several ways to fill blank cells with median values in CSV or Excel files. Third-party tools such as Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc can be used to quickly and easily calculate the median value of a column and then use the 'Fill Down' function to fill the blank cells with the median value. Additionally, custom scripts can be used to process large datasets quickly and accurately.


Filling blank cells with median value in CSV/Excel files can be done manually or with the help of some third-party tools. This post provides a step-by-step guide and alternative methods to help you fill blank cells with median value in CSV/Excel quickly and easily.

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