How to Calculate Standard Deviation in Excel Easily?

Quickly and Easily Calculate Standard Deviation in Excel with This Tutorial


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Calculating Standard Deviation in Excel

Calculating Standard Deviation in Excel


Standard deviation is a statistical measure of how spread out a data set is. It is an important tool for understanding the variability of a data set. Calculating the standard deviation in Excel is easy and straightforward. In this guide, we will show you how to calculate the standard deviation in Excel using the built-in functions.

Step-by-step Guide to Calculate Standard Deviation in Excel

Entering Data into Excel Spreadsheet

The first step to calculate the standard deviation in Excel is to enter the data into an Excel spreadsheet. This can be done by either typing in the data manually or by copying and pasting it from another source. Once the data is entered, it should be arranged in columns and rows in order to calculate the standard deviation correctly.

Calculating the Standard Deviation

Once the data is entered into an Excel spreadsheet, the next step is to use the built-in function “STDEV” to calculate the standard deviation. To do this, select the range of cells that contains the data, then click on the “Formulas” tab and select “STDEV” from the list of functions. After selecting the function, the result will be the standard deviation of the data set.

Alternative Methods to Calculate Standard Deviation in Excel

Calculating Standard Deviation with Built-in Function “STDEV”

The most common and simplest way to calculate the standard deviation in Excel is to use the built-in function “STDEV”. This function takes a range of values as an argument and returns the standard deviation for the given data set. The syntax for this function is as follows: STDEV(range) Where “range” is the range of cells containing the data set. For example, if the data set is in cells A1 to A10, the formula would be STDEV(A1:A10).

Calculating Standard Deviation with “AVERAGE” and “SUM” Functions

In addition to the built-in function “STDEV”, you can also calculate the standard deviation in Excel using the “AVERAGE” and “SUM” functions. The “AVERAGE” function takes a range of values as an argument and returns the mean of the data set. The syntax for this function is as follows: AVERAGE(range) Where “range” is the range of cells containing the data set. For example, if the data set is in cells A1 to A10, the formula would be AVERAGE(A1:A10). The “SUM” function takes a range of values as an argument and returns the sum of the data set. The syntax for this function is as follows: SUM(range) Where “range” is the range of cells containing the data set. For example, if the data set is in cells A1 to A10, the formula would be SUM(A1:A10). Once you have the mean and sum of the data set, you can use the “SQRT” function to calculate the square root of the variance. The syntax for this function is as follows: SQRT(variance) Where “variance” is the variance of the data set. The variance can be calculated by subtracting the mean from each data point, squaring the result, and then dividing by the number of data points.

Calculating Standard Deviation with “VAR” Function

Another method to calculate the standard deviation in Excel is to use the “VAR” function. This function takes a range of values as an argument and returns the variance of the data set. The syntax for this function is as follows: VAR(range) Where “range” is the range of cells containing the data set. For example, if the data set is in cells A1 to A10, the formula would be VAR(A1:A10). Once you have the variance of the data set, you can use the “SQRT” function to calculate the standard deviation. The syntax for this function is as follows: SQRT(variance) Where “variance” is the variance of the data set.


In conclusion, calculating the standard deviation in Excel is a relatively simple process. With the built-in functions, you can quickly and easily calculate the standard deviation of a data set. Additionally, there are several alternative methods you can use to calculate the standard deviation in Excel. No matter which method you choose, you can be sure that your results will be accurate and reliable.

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