Power Query Remove Duplicates

Learn How to Use Power Query to Remove Duplicates Quickly and Easily


With Power Query, it's easy to remove duplicates from a dataset. All you need to do is choose the file you want to upload, click the Transform button, and wait a few seconds for the cleaned-up file to be downloaded.

Power Query Remove Duplicates - Quick & Easy Guide

Power Query Remove Duplicates - Quick & Easy Guide


Removing duplicates from data is a common task for data analysts. It can be a time-consuming task when done manually. Fortunately, Microsoft Power Query has a built-in feature that allows you to remove duplicates quickly and easily. In this guide, we'll show you how to use Power Query to remove duplicates from your data. We'll also discuss some alternative methods that can be used to remove duplicates.

Step-by-step Guide to Remove Duplicates with Power Query

Importing Data into Excel

Step 1: Open Excel Workbook and Select Data Tab

To begin the process of importing data into Excel, open your Excel workbook and select the Data tab. This will open a new window with various options for managing and manipulating data.

Step 2: Click Get Data and Select From File

Once the Data tab is open, click the Get Data button and select the From File option. This will open a new window where you can select the file you want to upload. Choose the file you want to upload and click the Transform Data button.

Step 3: Wait for Data to be Cleaned Up and Duplicates to be Removed

Finally, wait a few seconds for the data to be cleaned up and the duplicates to be removed. Excel will automatically remove any duplicate entries and clean up the data so that it is easier to work with. Once the data is clean, you can begin to manipulate it and use it in your Excel workbook.

Alternative Methods for Removing Duplicates

Removing Duplicates from Data

Power Query

Power Query is a powerful tool in Excel, which can help you quickly and easily remove duplicates from your data. It can be used to filter out duplicate rows and columns, as well as to merge multiple tables with duplicate data. With Power Query, you can also use advanced options to remove duplicates based on specific criteria.

Excel Remove Duplicates Feature

The Excel Remove Duplicates feature is a built-in tool that can be used to quickly and easily remove duplicates from your data. This feature can be accessed by clicking on the Data tab in the ribbon and then selecting Remove Duplicates. You can then select the columns that you want to check for duplicates, and Excel will automatically remove any duplicate rows or columns from your data.

Third-Party Tools

Another option for removing duplicates from your data is to use a third-party tool such as Duplicate Remover for Excel. This tool can be used to quickly and easily remove duplicates from your data, and it also offers advanced options for more complex tasks. It can be used to remove duplicates based on specific criteria, as well as to merge multiple tables with duplicate data.


Removing duplicates from data can be a tedious task when done manually. Fortunately, Microsoft Power Query makes it easy to remove duplicates from your data. You can also use the Excel Remove Duplicates feature or a third-party tool such as Duplicate Remover for Excel. With these tools, you can quickly and easily remove duplicates from your data.

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