How to remove rows where all columns are BLANK in csv?


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How to remove rows where all columns are BLANK in csv?

How to remove rows where all columns are BLANK in csv?

Remove rows from a large file is not a very simple matter. For example, I have a csv file with millions of lines, storing access logs, some lines are completely blank, I need to remove these lines, and then do data analysis. How can I do it?

Method A:Excel or Google Spreadsheet

You can use Microsoft Excel to remove rows where all columns are blank in a CSV file. Here's how you can do it:

  • Open the CSV file in Microsoft Excel.
  • Select the entire data set, including the headers.
  • Go to the "Data" tab on the ribbon and click on the "Sort & Filter" drop-down menu.
  • Select the "Remove Duplicates" option.
  • In the "Remove Duplicates" dialog box, make sure that all columns are selected and click "OK".
  • Excel will remove all rows that contain only blank cells.
  • Save the file as a CSV file.

This process will remove all rows that contain only blank cells, leaving you with a cleaned-up version of your data. You can then use this cleaned-up version for further analysis or processing.

Note that this method is suitable for smaller CSV files. If your CSV file is large, this process may take a long time and cause Excel to become unresponsive. In that case, it may be more efficient to use a programming language, such as Python, to remove the rows.

Method B:Python

To remove rows where all columns are blank in a CSV file, you can write a script in a programming language, such as Python, to read the CSV file and remove the rows that meet your criteria. Here's an example Python script that does this:

import csv

with open("input.csv", "r") as in_file, open("output.csv", "w", newline="") as out_file:
    reader = csv.reader(in_file)
    writer = csv.writer(out_file)

    for row in reader:
        if any(row):

This script uses the csv module to read the input CSV file input.csv and write the output to a new CSV file output.csv. The any function is used to check if any of the values in a row are non-empty. If a row has at least one non-empty value, it is written to the output file. If all values in a row are empty, it is ignored.

Note that this script assumes that the CSV file is properly formatted and has a header row. If your CSV file doesn't have a header row, you may need to modify the script accordingly.

The best way:Use QuickTran function

  • Visit our website and find the online tool.
  • Open your csv file by clicking the "Choose File" button and selecting the file you want to change.
  • Once the file has been uploaded,in seconds, you'll remove rows where all columns are BLANK.
  • You can then download the files and save it to your computer.
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