Delete Duplicate Entries in Excel with the Transform Tool

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Using our Transform Tool is an easy way to delete duplicate entries in Excel. Choose a file to upload, click the transform button, and wait a few seconds to download the cleaned up file!

Deleting Duplicate Entries in Excel


Duplicate entries in Excel can be a nuisance and take up valuable time. Having to manually go through and delete duplicate entries can be a tedious process. Fortunately, Excel offers several tools that make it easy to identify and delete duplicate entries. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to delete duplicate entries in Excel, as well as alternative methods to find and remove duplicate entries.

Step-by-step Guide to Delete Duplicate Entries in Excel

Opening the Excel File

The first step in analyzing duplicate entries in an Excel file is to open the file. To do this, click the File tab at the top of the Excel window and select Open. Then, navigate to the location of the file and select it. Once the file is open, you can begin the process of removing duplicate entries.

Selecting Cells with Data

Once the Excel file is open, you can select the cells that contain the data you want to analyze for duplicate entries. To do this, click and drag the mouse to highlight the cells with the data. Alternatively, you can click the Select All button at the top of the Excel window to select all of the cells in the file.

Removing Duplicates

Once the cells containing the data have been selected, click the Data tab at the top of the Excel window and select Remove Duplicates. Excel will then display a dialog box that shows the columns that have been selected. Select the columns that contain the data you want to check for duplicates, and click OK. Excel will then display a message indicating how many duplicate entries have been found.

Deleting Duplicates

Finally, click OK to delete the duplicate entries. Excel will then remove the duplicate entries and update the file accordingly. Once the duplicate entries have been removed, you can save the file and close it.

Alternative Methods to Find and Remove Duplicate Entries

Finding and Deleting Duplicate Entries in Excel

Remove Duplicates Tool

The Remove Duplicates tool is a quick and easy way to find and delete duplicate entries in Excel. To use it, select the cells you want to check for duplicates, then click the Data tab and select Remove Duplicates. Excel will then display a list of the duplicate entries it has found. You can then select which entries to delete.

Conditional Formatting

In addition to the Remove Duplicates tool, Excel also offers several other ways to find and delete duplicate entries. For example, you can use the Conditional Formatting tool to highlight duplicate entries. To do this, select the cells you want to check for duplicates, then click the Home tab and select Conditional Formatting. Select Highlight Cells Rules, then Duplicate Values. Excel will then highlight any duplicate entries. You can then delete the highlighted entries manually.


Deleting duplicate entries in Excel can be a tedious process, but with the right tools, it doesn't have to be. The Remove Duplicates tool makes it easy to quickly identify and delete duplicate entries. Alternatively, you can use the Conditional Formatting tool to highlight duplicate entries. Whichever method you choose, you can save time and effort by quickly and easily deleting duplicate entries in Excel.

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