Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV and Excel Easily

Easily Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV or Excel


Select the CSV or Excel file to upload, click on the transform button, and wait for a few seconds to download the cleaned up file.

Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV and Excel


The median value of a set of numbers is the number that lies at the midpoint of the set. It is the middle value when the data is sorted in ascending or descending order. Median values are useful when dealing with data that has outliers or extreme values. In this guide, we will discuss how to fill blank cells in a CSV or Excel file with the median value.

Step-by-step Guide to Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV and Excel

Filling Blank Cells with Median Value

Choose the CSV or Excel File

Before you can fill blank cells with median values, you must first choose the CSV or Excel file you want to clean up. To do this, simply select the file from your computer and click the “Transform” button.

Wait for a Few Seconds

Once you have clicked the “Transform” button, you will need to wait for a few seconds for the file to be processed. During this time, the system will be analyzing the data and calculating the median values for each blank cell.

Download the Cleaned Up File

Once the file has been processed, you can then download the cleaned up version of the file. The median values will have been filled in for all the blank cells, giving you a fully cleaned up version of the CSV or Excel file.

Alternative Methods to Fill Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV and Excel

Filling Blank Cells with Median Value in CSV or Excel

Using a Script

A script is a set of instructions that can be used to automate a task. When it comes to filling blank cells with the median value in CSV or Excel, a script can be used to quickly fill in the blank cells with the median value. To use a script, you will need to find a script that is compatible with your CSV or Excel file, then copy and paste the script into the file. The script will then run and fill in the blank cells with the median value.

Using a Macro

A macro is a set of instructions that can be used to automate a task. When it comes to filling blank cells with the median value in CSV or Excel, a macro can be used to quickly fill in the blank cells with the median value. To use a macro, you will need to find a macro that is compatible with your CSV or Excel file, then copy and paste the macro into the file. The macro will then run and fill in the blank cells with the median value.

Manually Entering the Median Value

Manually entering the median value into the blank cells is the most labor-intensive method of filling blank cells with the median value in CSV or Excel. To do this, you will need to manually enter the median value into each of the blank cells. This method is time-consuming and may not be the best option if you have a large number of blank cells to fill. For more detailed instructions on how to fill blank cells with median value in CSV and Excel, please refer to our guide on how to fill blank cells with median value in CSV and Excel.


Filling blank cells with median value in CSV or Excel is a useful technique for dealing with data that has outliers or extreme values. There are several methods available to do this, including using a script, using a macro, or manually entering the median value into the blank cells. This guide has discussed how to fill blank cells with median value in CSV and Excel in detail.

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